Division News Article

Returning to school after illness

September 10th, 2020

Thank you to our parents, students and staff for understanding that responding to COVID-19 has meant frequent adjustments to guidance. We continue to adjust our practices to stay in line with the directions from Alberta Health Services (AHS).

The Daily Health Check remains a primary health measure

We know that the fridge magnets with the Daily Health Check have already become out of date. While the symptom list has remained consistent, the wording for items 2-5 have been adjusted several times. These items have to do with situations where people have travelled or been in contact with others who have tested positive for COVID-19. 

The most recent version of the Daily Health Check is available on our website: https://www.pembinahills.ca/schools-programs/covid-19-information/

The main message is if children or staff have any of the listed symptoms, they are to stay home. 

How long do staff and students have to stay home if they have symptoms?

In early September, AHS published a new document specifically about students: Student illness: If a student has COVID-19 symptoms

This document aligns with updated information on the Government of Alberta’s Symptoms and testing page.  

We encourage parents to read this information thoroughly.

Symptoms are now categorized into two groups:

  • For one group of symptoms, an isolation period is required.
  • For the other group of symptoms, students and staff may return to school after symptoms have gone away.

Pembina Hills School Division will follow the published procedures and guidance in this regard. 

Thank you for your patience as we continue to work through the processes of maintaining a safe and healthy learning environment.