Westlock Outreach School –
Classrooms benefit from $797,000 funding infusion
At their September 26, 2017 meeting, the school board learned how classrooms across PHPS will benefit from the $797,000 the division will receive through the Classroom Improvement Fund (CIF). This funding may be used for things like additional staff time to build knowledge in supporting students for the future, resources in literacy and numeracy, professional development and assistive technologies.
The one-time fund must be used during the 2017-18 school year and was part of the central agreement reached between the Alberta Teachers’ Association and the Teachers Employer Bargaining Association in May 2017.
A joint local committee consisting of PHPS and ATA representatives developed the formula for alloting the funds to schools along with the following criteria:
- Collaborate with school staff on the most effective manner to spend their school’s allotment
- All funds must be used to address classroom conditions and the complexity in the classrooms
- Consider the longevity of the decisions
- Consider the total number of students and staff impacted by the plan
- Alignment with the school’s education plan
Update on investigation into former superintendent
Since the termination of the employment contract of Ms. Symyrozum-Watt for just cause on July 31,2017, the board has been following up on the findings of the independent investigator into the actions of the former superintendent, with the assistance of legal counsel.
At the September 26 board meeting, the board passed a motion to direct the ad hoc sub-committee chair and division administration to file a complaint with the RCMP as well as Alberta Education – Office of the Registrar, and the College of Alberta School Superintendents regarding the former superintendent.
Outreach offers students flexibility in their learning
The September 26 board meeting was held at the Westlock Outreach School. In their report to the board, Principal Wayne Rufiange and Teacher Heather Ross spoke of the variety of reasons students access the school and the opportunities it provides students.
School Board invites Education Minister to PHPS Council of School Councils Meeting
Following an invitation from Hon. David Eggen to schools councils across the province to meet directly with him, the school board sent an invitation to Minister Eggen to meet with the PHPS Council of School Councils. The board believes that it would be a more time efficient way for the minister to meet with all school councils in the division collectively and perhaps increase the likelihood of him attending.
The next school board meeting is Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at the PHPS Regional Office in Barrhead starting at 9:30 a.m. The public is welcome to attend.