Below you can find some frequently asked questions about busing and best practices for parents and children using the division buses.
Please contact your driver.
Please talk to your bus driver.
Contact the Transportation Office at 780.674.8510.
You may also complete the online Busing Incident / Complaint Form.
Please report this immediately by calling the Transportation Office at 780.674.8510.
You may also complete the online Busing Incident / Complaint Form.
Make a note of the vehicle’s licence plate number and vehicle description (make, model, colour) and the time and place of the incident.
Please see this page for details about bus fees and how to register.
Before the first day of school your bus driver will be in touch with your child’s pick up location and time.
Please contact your bus driver.
If your child was on a bus for a field trip, please contact the Transportation Office at 780.674.8510
Have your child go to the school office so the office can call you.
Under no circumstance should a student walk home or go elsewhere.
Your bus driver will inform you if the bus is cancelled.
See this section of our website for more details.