École Barrhead Elementary School –
BES – Proud of their rich and diverse culture
The June 13 board meeting was held at École Barrhead Elementary School, the division’s largest elementary school with 693 students in Kindergarten to Grade 6. The school has 70 staff members, consisting of 36 teachers and 34 support staff, and operates on an annual budget of $5.5 Million.
Principal Dale Bujold facilitated presentations by School Council Chair Jennifer Danielson, Literacy Teacher Jo-Ann McGarva, Coordinator of Student Services Kelly Ferguson, Music Specialist Keith Schantz and Associate Principal Julie Smith, as part of the school report.
Farewell to School Resource Officer Constable Robert Hynes
After almost four years as the School Resource Officer for Barrhead area schools, Constable Robert Hynes will be transferring to the RCMP Academy “Depot” Division in Regina, Saskatchewan. During the meeting, the board thanked him for his dedication, commitment and service to schools.
Board adopts their 2018-19 meeting schedule
Visit our Board Meeting page to find out when and where board meetings will take place during the next school year.
ADLC teacher calendar changes
Starting 2018-19, ADLC teachers will begin their school year the same time as PHPS community school teachers and they will have the same spring break as the rest of the division. However, ADLC teachers will have a 3-week Christmas break, and will finish their year the first week of July. Teachers will be available to students in the summer months if their schools support the service.
Board withdraws membership from PSBAA
The board passed a motion to withdraw its membership from the Public School Boards’ Association of Alberta (PSBAA) effective December 31, 2018. In their discussion, the board indicated support for priorities that focus on the importance of local autonomy and the role of locally elected school boards.
The board spent approximately $16,000 per year on membership fees and $33,000 per year attending PSBAA events and meetings.
Cost of living increase awarded to non-union support staff
There will be a 2% cost of living adjustment (COLA) applied to non-union support staff salaries and hourly rates effective September 1, 2018. The rationale for the COLA is that it has been 3 years since a cost of living adjustment has been applied to non-union staff salaries. Although funding rates have not increased, the board recognizes that costs have increased. The 2% increase strikes a balance between fiscal responsibility and ensuring fair compensation to our staff.
The 2% cost of living increase will also be given to all CUPE employees, as per the previously ratified CUPE Collective Agreement.
The next school board meeting is on Wednesday, June 27, 2018 at at the PHPS Regional Office in Barrhead starting at 9:30 a.m. The public is welcome to attend.