Pibroch Colony School –
Student enrolment continues to decline
This year, the division will serve 3,776 students in Kindergarten to Grade 12 at eleven community schools, two Hutterite colonies, and two outreach centers. Similar to past years, enrolment is down 46 students or 1.4%.
The division also operates an online school, Vista Virtual School, which serves over 10,000 students across the province, and the Alberta Distance Learning Centre, which serves jurisdictions and their schools across Alberta.
Interim board representatives appointed
Following the resignation of former Trustee Keough earlier this month, the board appointed Trustee Scinski to be the interim board representative for ADLC presentations and celebrations. Trustees were also assigned to the following community committees:
- Promoting Activity Wellness and Success (PAWS) – Trustee Lefebvre
- Swan Hills Economic Development Working Group – Trustee McElroy
- Swan Hills Community Matters – Trustee McElroy
Review of the number of trustees on the board
As the board prepares to carry out an electoral ward review for the division, they will follow the guidelines in Policy 7-0 Board Operations – Wards. The review, which could potentially reduce the number of trustees that represent the division, will take into account factors such as population, school attendance areas, and growth forecasts. The review will also include community consultations – stay tuned for more information.
See the board meeting agenda and minutes for more information.
The next school board meeting is at Regional Office on Wednesday, November 13, 2019 starting at 9:30 a.m. Members of the public are welcome to attend.