Regional Office –
Board Ratifies Collective Agreement with CUPE 1661
Following several months of negotiations, the board ratified a four-year agreement with the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local No. 1661. The agreement ends August 31, 2024 and covers 33 bus drivers and shop staff in the Westlock Ward.
Budget Amendment, capital spending plan
In an effort to make the best use of its available resources, the board approved an amendment to the 2022-2023 annual operating budget to allocate an additional $1.5 million into the Division’s capital reserve fund. This extra allocation will allow the Division to stay within its legislated cap on operating reserves.
The board also approved a preliminary spending plan for the total of $5 million transferred into this fund, with spending on key projects to occur over the next two years.
Check out the board meeting agenda and minutes for more information.
View a recording of the meeting here.
The next school board meeting will be held at Regional Office on August 31, 2022 starting at 9:00 a.m.