Regional Office
Board elects 2022-23 Chair and Vice Chair
At the first Board meeting of the 2022-2023 school year, elections were held for the positions of Board Chair and Vice Chair. Judy Lefebvre was re-elected as the Board Chair and Sherry Allen was elected as Vice Chair. Congratulations to both trustees!
L-R: Board Chair, Trustee Judy Lefebvre and Vice Chair, Trustee Sherry Allen
Salary Adjustment for Non-Union Staff
In May 2022, the Alberta Government reached a settlement with the Alberta Teachers Association that included a cost of living increase. The Board passed a motion that Appendix 1 of the Non-Union Staff salary grids is to include a 1.75% increase in pay rates effective September 1, 2022 and a further increase of 2% effective September 2023.
Retention Allowance for Bus Drivers
With the continued difficulty in the recruitment and retention of qualified school bus drivers, the Board Chair will submit a written request to the provincial government for PHSD to implement a retention allowance for union and non-union PHSD bus drivers. The allowance will be in addition to the 2022-23 approved compensation rates for the bus driver classification.
The Board will also be requesting the timeline for implementation of wage increases be moved up to September 2022 (from June 2023).
Check out the Board meeting agenda and minutes for more information.
The next school Board meeting is at the Regional Office on Wednesday, September 14, 2022 starting at 9:00 a.m.