September 20, 2023 Board Meeting News

September 21st, 2023

Division Office ~

Board Increases Representation on External Committees

In 2021, Pembina Hills received an invitation to join the Tamarack Health Advisory Council.  Trustee Maureen Schnirer was directed to apply and was accepted for membership, but this council was not added as an official Board-approved committee. Trustee Schnirer confirmed the value of membership in this council and expressed her appreciation for the opportunity to participate. The Board added this council to Policy 08 Appendix A to facilitate the Division’s ongoing participation.

The Board also considered how trustees are paid for participating in other external committees. The Board is active in the Alberta School Boards Association (ASBA), with several trustees serving on various committees. Some committee appointments include an honorarium paid by the ASBA, while others do not. The Board decided that when Pembina Hills trustees participate on these committees if they are not paid an honorarium by ASBA, they will be eligible for an honorarium paid by Pembina Hills.

Public School Boards Association of Alberta Membership

For the past year, Pembina Hills has been a member of the Public School Boards’ Association of Alberta (PSBAA) on a trial basis. PSBAA advocates specifically for the interests of public school boards, as opposed to separate and francophone school jurisdictions, private and charter schools, etc.

At the September 20, 2023 meeting, the Board considered whether or not to remain a member for the 2024 calendar year, as well as how many, and which meetings, trustees should attend on an annual basis. The Board decided to renew its membership for 2024 and to allow all interested trustees to participate in meetings.

READ MORE: Board meeting agenda and minutes

Next School Board Meeting
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Division Office
9:30 a.m.