Regional Office ~
2021-2022 Annual Education Results Report (AERR) approved
One of the key ways that school divisions demonstrate accountability and provide assurance is through the development and publication of Education Plans and Annual Education Results Reports (AERRs). Education Plans identify priorities, outcomes, measures and strategies to improve in key areas, while the AERR provides the results achieved from implementing the plan. Director of Education Services, Raime Drake, presented the AERR for the 2021-2022 school year. Data and commentary in the report highlight successes and challenges from last year and identifies the next steps for continued improvement in Pembina Hills. The five domain areas include Student Growth & Achievement, Teaching & Leading, Learning Supports, Governance and Local & Societal Context. The report and other assurance documents can be found on the Pembina Hills website.
Provincial Achievement Test (PAT) Provincial Diploma Exam Results
The Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs) and Provincial Diploma Exams that took place in June 2022 were the first provincial exams students have written since 2019. Participation rates were lower than in years prior to the pandemic with a number of students not writing exams for a variety of reasons including, but not limited to, illness, mental health-related exemptions and combined grades cohorts not writing in the year the subject was taught.
Grade 6 Provincial Achievement results are comparable to the province in English Language Arts and Mathematics. Achievement results are lower in Social Studies and Science, due to the focus of instruction being placed on Language Arts and Mathematics during remote learning.
Grade 9 Provincial Achievement results were lower than anticipated across the four core subject areas. There is recognition that this cohort of students has not written final exams in their junior high years and have been negatively impacted by the pandemic disruptions to learning and assessment.
Diploma Exam results follow past trends of achievement. Pembina Hills’ results are higher than the provincial averages in many of the subject areas including English 30-1 and 30-2, Social Studies 30-1 and 30-2 and Biology 30. Achievement in Mathematics 30-1 and 30-2 is lower than the provincial average. This has been identified as an area of focus in the 2022-2025 Education Plan.
VIEW: PAT & PDE Results Summary
2023-2024 School Calendar Approved
The Board approved the calendar for the 2023-2024 school year. The division develops the calendar based on operational and instructional needs as well as feedback collected from parents and staff.
For schools with alternate schedules, their Alternate Calendars will be designed with school councils over the next few months and posted on the school and division websites.