Division News Article

May 22, 2024 Board Meeting News

May 27th, 2024

Board reinstates Requested School transportation services

All students residing within Pembina Hills School Division are designated to attend a specific school based on the location of their home.  Some families choose to attend a different school for religious or language reasons (known as a “School of Choice”), to access special education or for various reasons in exercising their right to educational choice (known as a “Requested School”).

In April 2023, the Board reduced transportation services to Requested Schools in response to a significant change in funding and operational requirements. Students could still request to attend a different school but would be responsible for their own transportation.

In April 2024, the board heard from a delegation of parents who requested that this transportation service be reinstated, subject to available space on the bus and an appropriate fee.  The board invested a great deal of time and consideration on this issue and collected feedback from:

  • Families who asked for the ability to choose the educational environment that would best meet their needs.
  • Principals of smaller schools who are concerned that students might leave to attend larger schools, leaving smaller class sizes behind.
  • Principals of larger schools who are concerned that an increase in the number of students coming in from smaller schools could place more pressure on resources

After a great deal of deliberation, the board passed a motion to re-open transportation services to students wanting to attend a different school for reasons other than language or religion, starting in the 2024-25 school year. The service will be provided for a fee of $460 and is subject to space availability on the bus and the approval of the student to attend the Requested School.

The Transportation Department will update application forms shortly and families interested in these transportation services must apply by June 30. Details, once available, can be accessed on the division website.

2024-2027 Education Plan Approved

Each year the division publishes an Education Plan that sets priorities for the division, identifying strategies to make progress as well as performance measures for success.  

Over the next three years, Pembina Hills will continue to support:

  • Student-Staff Relationships – Positive relationships between students and staff are the foundation upon which we build students’ resilience, confidence and mental well-being.
  • Literacy and Numeracy – Literacy and Numeracy are critical for Student Achievement in all areas of the curriculum.
  • Support for Staff (Collaborative Structures/Culture) – A collaborative environment enables staff to teach a diverse student population through purposeful inclusion and supports the implementation of effective practices.

The Education Plan is reviewed and revised annually with input from communities, parents, students and staff. The Education Plan and other reporting and financial documents are available on the division website

Board approves 2024-2025 budget

At the May 22, 2024 meeting, the board considered and approved the operating budget for the 2024-2025 school year.  

Highlights of the approved budget include:

  • A balanced budget, following several years of strategic deficits to reduce savings to the level mandated by Alberta Education.
  • Enrolments and related grant revenues are expected to be very similar to 2023-2024, and accordingly, school operations are not expected to change significantly.
  • Overall instructional staffing levels are very similar to prior years, but several educational support positions have been added to address the increasing numbers of students with complex needs.

See the full budget report.

READ MORE: Board meeting agenda and minutes

Next School Board Meeting
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Division Office
9:30 a.m.