Regional Office ~
International trips for BCHS & R.F. Staples Students Approved
The Board approved, in principle, two international trips for Barrhead Composite High School and R.F. Staples Secondary School students.
Due to a scheduling issue, the previously approved Barrhead Composite High School trip planned for spring break 2023 will now include Paris, Riviera and Rome. R.F. Staples Travel Club students will be traveling to New York at the end of April 2023.
Membership in the PSBAA Accepted
The motion was passed to accept membership in the Public School Boards Association of Alberta (PSBAA).
Facilities Information Update
Director of Facilities, Tracy Tyreman, presented an overview of the capital and maintenance projects done during the summer months. See the Facilities Information Update for photos and a list of the projects completed.
Communications Assurance Report
Pembina Hills uses a number of digital tools to engage and communicate with parents and guardians. Registration and consent forms as well as payments are completed online through PowerSchool.
School Messenger has also been a very valuable tool to get messaging to parents and guardians quickly, through email, phone or SMS (text) messages. Safe Arrival will be piloted before rolling out as a tool for parents to communicate student absences.
Information Technology (IT) Assurance Report
Director of Information Technology, Alex Mottus, provided the Board with the annual overview of the IT department’s operations and some of their main projects. Some key projects that IT are working on are replacing smartboard equipment with interactive displays, wireless upgrades and reviewing security. See the full IT Assurance Report for more details.
Policies Amended
Pembina Hills School Divison has a thorough policy framework that guides the direction of the Division. In an effort to make sure that these policies remain up-to-date, the Board’s Policy Committee meets several times each year and makes recommendations to the Board for changes.
- Policy 08 Committees of the Board – Appendix A – an update was made to a component of the Wellness Champions Committee structure.
- Policy 27 Division Citizenship Awards – changes were made to the Grade 12 award application process, recipients, acknowledgement and presentation.
Board Meeting Start Time Changed to 9:30 a.m.
The Board passed a motion to change the start times of their meetings to 9:30 a.m.