October 25, 2023 Board Meeting News

October 27th, 2023

Division Office ~

Board Policy Updates

Board policies set out the way that the Board operates, including how trustees represent the Board and the division. During the October 25 meeting, the Board discussed which meetings trustees attend and how they are compensated.  

The Board added references to its annual work plan in determining which meetings and events are eligible for reimbursement and linked future per diem increases to salary increases in the ATA agreement.

Facilities Update Report

Director of Facilities, Tracy Tyreman, presented the Board with an update on the various projects undertaken by the Facilities and Maintenance department over the past school year. Board Chair Judy Lefebvre expressed her gratitude for the work that the department does to keep our schools safe, functional and beautiful in maintaining a positive environment for our students. Superintendent Michael Borgfjord also thanked Mr. Tyreman for his hard work and dedication in completing a large number, and variety, of projects for the entire division over the past year.

READ MORE: Board meeting agenda and minutes

Next School Board Meeting
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Division Office
9:30 a.m.