Division News Article

K-6 Curriculum Update in Pembina Hills

January 30th, 2023

Alberta Education released its new K-3 English Language Arts and Literature (ELAL) and Mathematics curriculum and K-6 Physical Education and Wellness curriculum in April 2022 and schools across Alberta began implementing it in September 2022.

In Alberta, the curriculum identifies what all students, from Kindergarten to Grade 12, are expected to do and learn in all subjects. The curriculum is determined by Alberta Education. 

What’s new

See Alberta Education’s website for more detailed information:

Adopting the new curriculum

After the curriculum was released in April 2022, our division consulted our teachers to guide the division’s next steps in adopting the new curriculum.

In June 2022, all Pembina Hills K-6 teachers participated in the first of a series of ‘curriculum days’ where they began unpacking the new curriculum and identifying areas that needed new ideas and resources. 

In October and November, groups of K-6 teachers took part in a series of sessions where they focused on 

  • reviewing the new outcomes in K-3 ELAL and Math.
  • determining what knowledge, skills and procedures would be assessed and reported on in the new PHSD progress reports.
  • identifying what resources could be repurposed or needed to be built to meet the outcomes of the new curriculum. 
  • the requirements to bridge to the 2023-2024 curriculum changes (grades 4-6 ELAL and Math).

Alberta Education now requires teachers to report on learning outcomes (rather than strands as in the previous curriculum) which is reflected in the division’s new progress report template. 

More ‘curriculum days’ are planned in 2023. 

Resources for Parents

Alberta Education has developed resources for parents to learn more about the new curriculum, available on their website curriculum.learnalberta.ca. 

Parents can direct questions about the curriculum or their child’s progress to their teacher or the school administration.