Division News Article

April 17, 2024 Board Meeting News

April 22nd, 2024

Division Office ~

2023-2024 Satisfaction Survey Results

The Education Services department conducts an annual survey to monitor the perception of students (in grades 4-12), parents and staff relative to the outcomes identified in the division’s education plan.  The purpose of this survey is to assess the impact of strategies and to provide information for decision-makers on areas that need attention.

Response rates for staff and students were comparable with prior years, however, the response from parents was low.

Responses to survey questions were generally encouraging.  All surveyed groups continue to feel that the division’s schools are safe and caring and students are confident that adults care about them. Additionally, all surveyed groups feel that our students are challenged to do their best.

Once updated, survey results for each school can be found on school or division Assurance Reporting webpages.

Board approves Aviation and Social Literacy Locally Developed Courses

Schools or school divisions have the option to create their own courses to respond to student interests or local needs. These courses must be approved by Alberta Education, and once approved, other schools or school divisions can apply to access these courses for their students.

To respond to the interests of our students, the board approved the offering of the following courses:

  1. Aviation 15 – 3 Credits
  2. Aviation 25 – 3 Credits
  3. Aviation 35 – 3 Credits
  4. Social Literacy 15 – 3 Credits
  5. Social Literacy 25 – 3 Credits

Interested students can speak with their school principal to participate in these courses.

READ MORE: Board meeting agenda and minutes

Next School Board Meeting
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Division Office
9:30 a.m.