Division News Article

Citizenship Award Winner—Dorothy Letts

June 17th, 2021

Dorothy Letts is a Grade 9 student at R. F. Staples Secondary School. She was nominated for the Citizenship Award by Teacher Carrie Kaufman.

Dorothy demonstrates responsibility in all areas of her life. While completing school online last year, she made sure to attend class and handed in assignments on time. If Dorothy was going to be absent from a google meet, she always emailed her teachers ahead of time to ask for her assignments. If something doesn’t go her way, she doesn’t blame others or make excuses. Instead, she seeks feedback and corrects her errors. 

Dorothy helps and supports others—often helping her peers with their schoolwork. She is always there for her friends if they encounter difficulties. Dorothy often helps her teacher also clean desks, and organize classroom activities.

Dorothy always has a smile on her face. She displays a positive attitude towards herself, her friends and her teachers. Dorothy is very studious and has high expectations of herself. She works towards her goals, putting in the time and effort into her studies everyday to ensure she reaches her goals. 

The school board is pleased to present Dorothy with the Citizenship Award for recognition of the positive contributions she makes in her school and community. Congratulations!