Division News Article

Citizenship Award Winner — Liam Vanden Hoven

June 16th, 2023

Liam is a Grade 9 student at Barrhead Composite High School. He was nominated for a Citizenship Award by teacher Alix deBeaudrap.

Liam is a consistent source of joy and positivity for staff entering the school. He is courteous and waits at the door each morning, promptly greeting each staff member with a smile on his face. In the hallways, and between classes, Liam makes a point of saying hello to his teachers and peers and shows enthusiasm for many different activities. Liam often reaches out to his teachers via email to share his thoughts on various things happening in his life and it is clear that he enjoys maintaining connections with his teachers. 

Liam demonstrates responsibility in school by completing his assignments in a timely manner and attending his classes regularly. He comes to class prepared to learn, always tries his best, learns from his mistakes and has shown he takes good care of school property. He is always available to assist his classmates and immediately volunteers to help adults when requested. He is respectful and supportive of others, very insightful and enjoys collaborating with his classmates.  He is known for helping other students feel a sense of belonging in the classroom and encouraging them to do their best.

The Board of Trustees is pleased to present Liam with a Citizenship Award in recognition of the positive contributions he makes in his school and community. 

Congratulations Liam!