Teaching Resources

Sites and services requiring login credentials

Here is a list of teaching resource sites for which PHSD maintains a subscription and/or for which teachers may need a password.   If you have questions please email Debbie Westman at debbie.westman@pembinahills.ca.

Visit the Teacher Resource Login Information Google Doc for a list of division login credentials (this doc is accessible only by division staff through their Pembina Hills Google Account). Subscription passwords are managed by Education Services.

  • LearnAlberta (Alberta Education’s platform for the new curriculum) First-time users will need to create their own account — teaching certificate number is required.
  • Alberta Assessment Consortium (AAC)
    • Each Pembina Hills School Division teacher can create a login account on the AAC website using their own @pembinahills.ca email address. 
      1. Go to aac.ab.ca
      2. Click on ‘Login‘ in the upper right-hand corner.
      3. On the Login page, click on ‘Create Account‘. Use your @pembinahills.ca email address and a password of your choosing to create an account.

      Use the ‘Lost your password?‘ link if you need to reset your password.

  • PHSD Instructional Media Centre
    • PHSD’s local repository of teaching and learning resources
    • Teachers!  Do you have a resource you would like to see added to the IMC or the OverDrive Digital Collection?  Please submit your request using this Google Form.
  • Classroom Videos on Demand
    • Login with PHSD google account or see passwords summary above
    • A wide range of curriculum related videos and segments
  • Criterion-on-demand
  • Canadian History Series
    • A collection of Canadian History videos purchased by PHSD and stored on Google Drive
    • EVERFI helps teachers, schools, and districts bring real-world skills to students.
    • Thanks to partners, the digital platform, training, and support is provided at no cost
    • Financial Education, Social Emotional Learning, Health and Wellness, College/Career Readiness, Early Learning
    • Get started here
  • Exam Bank
    • Exam Bank content is written by teachers, and aligned to Alberta curriculum
    • Passcodes for each school are listed in PHSD document named above
  • Google Classroom and related tools
    • All PHSD teachers and students have a Pembina Hills Google Account that can be used within Google Classroom.  Tutorial video
    • PHSD has added Read&Write and EquatIO Chrome extensions. These tools support students with various barriers to have access to use and create digital content.
  • Insignia Library System
    • Library software used by BU, DU, EH, PN, RF, SH, WE & IMC
  • Learn 360
    • Subscribed service: multi-media, interactives, videos, and more
  • Media Smarts – digital media literacy classroom resources and licensed classroom tutorials
  • myBlueprint
    • Subscribed service: Portfolio software for grades 7 and up
  • OverDrive/Sora
    • A combination of a library of fiction shared with other Alberta school boards and locally acquired resources available only to PHSD students and teachers
    • E-books for pleasure reading and instruction; Audio books for many commonly used literature studies
    • All students and staff have access to Overdrive using their Network Login. This allows staff and students to access books purchased by Pembina Hills as well as a shared collection of books that is accessed by many schools in Alberta.  Students access this through Sora which will limit books available to their own age group.
    • Purchasing New Books: Requests for new books can be submitted using this Google Form.
    • Assigned Books: Schools would need an Advantage Account on Overdrive which would include class sets of novels.  This is free to set up but there will be a fee for the books.  Along with other information the gist of novel sets is as follows:
      • Class Sets are purchased on a per student basis and available to each student for 3 months. (prices are in USD)
      • Cost ranges from $1.66 to $6+ per student (Bridge to Terabithia $1.66/student, The Outsiders $6.07/student)
      • Can purchase for 3 to 6 months depending on the book
      • Each copy is assigned to a specific student
    • This is a decision each school needs to make on their own.  Please talk to the principal at your school about the possibility of setting this up.  Here is a brief look at the benefits of an Advantage Account: https://resources.overdrive.com/working-with-an-overdrive-advantage-account

Additional Services with Credible Teaching and Learning Resources

No password needed

Updated 2023-01-04